Tuesday, November 22, 2016

2D Class Week 12 Concept Round (Value Pass 02)

Team Lion
Noel Graham
Lindsay Green
Matthew Young
Kendall Robertson
Yunhao Huo
Paul Salas

This week we continued the work on the VR Oz project, below is the status update

My Work
I fixed Nav Mesh issues and inconsistencies we had with the mesh colliders across the level assets as well as fixed performance issues the arose through the week

Imported and updated set dressing pieces as well as reorganized the project assets so that they would be easy to utilize since level layout was taken up by Kendall this week 

Redesigned the concept layout page based on lead feedback

Created one of the three environment concepts 


Lindsay created a new set of set dressing pieces to begin populating the third key area of the Lion area as well as updated some of the old mesh pieces to better follow the art direction of the project


Matt created two of the three environment concepts required for this week


Kendall took on level layout in UE4 as well rigged and created a small animation for the bat


Yunhao created the three character concepts required for this week as well as continued to work on the Nvidia hairworks solution we're trying to implement for the lion's mane


Noel worked on detailing the bat in Zbrush to add more character and style to the proxy

1 comment:

  1. Very nice work pushing the team forward this round! Work on having the lighting with more contrast in it. Everything is very ambient lit!
