Saturday, October 8, 2016

Storm Training!

With the coming of hurricane Matthew FIEA was forced to close and send us all home for the duration of the storm, all of our assignments were pushed back a couple of days and we were given a bit of a break to prepare and spend time with our families.

Perfect time to do some anatomical studies on ZBrush! with the advice of Steven Kosanovich I went through a couple of tutorials on male anatomy and the importance of maintaining the proper landmarks and musculature. Below are the results of the three days of work :)

Base Mesh

The initial geometrical shape used was a cylinder, I used the cylinder as the base point from which I modeled the rib cage and extruded the entire body.


 Final Model

Overall this was an absolute pleasure to work on and a very rewarding project to sink time into through the storm, I learned quite a bit and started to notice the strong similarities between 3D sculpting and 2D drawing and rendering, through the coming weeks I will probably return to this piece and continue to render to get it to be as good as my current skill level with the program will allow. Thanks for reading!

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