Monday, October 31, 2016

3D Class Week 10 Creating A Medium Complexity Character Part 01 GameRes Model and UV's

This week we were tasked with creating a medium complexity organic model as well as a set of props to go with him. Below are the results as well as the UVs of the meshes.


Character UV


Props UV


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2D Class Week 09 Shape Language Presentation

Team Lion - Week 2


Yunhao Huo
Lindsay Green
Noel Graham
Matthew Young
Paul Salas

Presentation Slides

Yunhao's Work
Yunhao's Work

Kendall's Work

Paul's Work
Matt's Work

Paul's work

Lindsay's Work

Paul's Work

Paul's Work
Lion Proxy -Noel, Trees - Matt, Vines - Kendall, Set Dressing - Lindsay

Lion Proxy -Noel, Trees - Matt, Vines - Kendall, Set Dressing - Lindsay
Integration - Paul

Integration - Paul

2D Class Week 09 Shape Language

Yunhao Huo - Character
Lindsay Green - Environment
Kendall Robertson - Animation
Matthew Young - Environment
Noel Graham - Character

This week we were tasked with creating Shape Language studies of the mood board we researched last week. MY portion of the work consisted of integrating and placing everything inside the UE4 scene, lighting, making sure the BR component worked properly, revise the shape language boards created by my team, presentation prep, perforce folder structure creation, as well as create boards of my own and revise the background created for last week's board.

My Work

Keyshot Renders by me - Proxies done by team

Keyshot Renders by me - Proxies done by team

Integration - Paul

Integration - Paul

2D Class Week 09 Shape Language

Yunhao Huo - Character
Lindsay Green - Environment
Kendall Robertson - Animation
Matthew Young - Environment
Noel Graham - Character

This week we were tasked with creating Shape Language studies of the mood board we researched last week. My portion of the work consisted of integrating and placing everything inside the UE4 scene, lighting, making sure the BR component worked properly, revise the shape language boards created by my team, as well as create boards of my own and revise the background created for last week's board.

My Work

Monday, October 24, 2016

3D Class Week 09 Create a Simple Organic Model

This week we were tasked with creating a simple organic figure out of a sample of concept work, I picked the crab. The crab proved difficult due to the awkward pose of the concept work as well as being the only piece of concept provided; after looking through multiple references I decided to attempt to create perspective views off the concept by breaking it into basic geometric shapes, this proved to be one of the most useful piece of the reference research I did.


Low Poly Model

After creating the reference images modeling the low poly mesh became easy and enjoyable! Below are the results of the Maya sculpt:

High Poly Model

Once the Maya mesh was finalized the smooth mesh preview was brought into ZBrush and details were added to the mesh.


Once the ZBrush scultping was completed I decimated the mesh and brough the low poly model and the ZBrush model into Substance to paint


With the mesh completed and textured it was finally time to bring the game ready asset into UE4, below are some screenshots of the mesh in engine:


Here is the asset if you'd like to spin it around, thanks for reading!

Reference Research: 2 hours
Maya Modeling: 4 hours
UV: 1 hours
Zbrush Sculpting: 5.5 hours
Substance: 3 hours
UE4 integration: 1 hour
Screenshot compile: 3 hours
Total project time:  19.5 hours